8 Apr 2010

What's wrong with Men!!

Dude returns home late at night after a Friday Night Out with a colleague from office and is watching the latest season of "Prison Break".

And suddenly his phone starts ringing [Dhan-tena....from Kaminey]!! Dude searches for his phone under the pile of clothes...thinking, “Who is calling him so late at night” ... and then smiles seeing the caller's name.

"Hey Princess what's up? Calling me so late? Everything… all right?
Or.. Are you really missing me??”

"Shut up Duffer ....!! I don't miss you, in-fact I pity the girl who misses you....and FYI...it's not late here, in fact day has started." princess was in full form.[ She will otherwise wait for dude to come online]

"OK ...that's rude! First you ring me and then call me Duffer!”

"Will you shut up and listen....I want to talk, what's wrong with men? Why does every man try to impress every other gal and wants to take her out for lunch/dinner?"

"Err ... Do you really want me to comment on that?" [Dude was still teasing her].

"Dude! Shut up else I will kill you!" [That was princess's second most used statement for dude]

"I know all men are same but still....there has to be a limit and one should know how to behave", she went on further.

"Wo Wo....Princess! There you are wrong.....Not all Men are same ....but yes I do agree they all want same things! Well that's how God made us ...and we can't help it.

"Dude, will u at least listen before starting your preaching? Do I have to go for lunch/dinner with every other guy who compliments me? Did I ask for compliments? And I look good/ dress well because i like myself not because i want everyone to ask me out."

("That’s why you are different darling... Who dresses up not to impress others" Dude mused as princess went on)

"And I can understand one can ask once/twice but then they should understand eventually that other person is not interested. And if the girl doesn’t agree you call her an arrogant bitch.. What the fuck man!! Didn't God give such guys any sense of respect and decency??”

"Well that's strange!! I can't imagine anyone would ever call you a bitch! Did some one really call you so?? Tell me who he is .. Will give him some sense if you want" dude tried to cheer princess up.

"And you think I called you for that?? I can handle such men well... Egoistic pig !! I will make sure no friend of mine ever goes out with him" she fumed.

"Ha Ha .. you are really pissed off I guess princess .. Never heard you say such words before! But good to see you know them.. As Calvin says .."

"I know that strip .. no need to repeat. But thanks anyway.. your efforts to keep silent and listen to me are well appreciated " Princess said dryly.

"Any times darling ... After all you do that favour for me more often " Dude replied in same tone.

"Hmmm.. so you tell me .. who is the latest crush in your life ? Still without a date on friday night I assume"

"Wrong assumption, I just came home from a fabulous dinner date .Didn’t I mention that to you before?"

"No .. Your FB status says you are going to have dinner and beer with your colleague at his place watching the IPL match"

"Damn you princess.. you really keep a tab on me.. don't you ?"

"I was waiting for you to come home so had to know where you are tonight.. If it was a date, I would have called tomorrow for the details"

"Ya Ya .. go now .. your lunch time is gonna be over. And i am sleepy too"

"Ok See ya later online"

"Take care of that pig ok!! Waiting to hear more on him next time ..." dude laughed as he thought of princess get angry on a guy.

"Whatever ... Bye"

Both kept the calls smiling and wishing good for each other.

3 Mar 2010

Tea trouble

"Hey Princess...:)"
"need a quick help..."

The chat box blinked orange on her screen. Of course she was distracted,she was checking her fav online comics after all. She ignored the ping mumbling "when is it that this guy doesn't need a quick help"...

"Plz plz plz... :"
"promise to send you tomorrow's comic strip to your mailbox.. "

She smiled and typed

'tell me, whats the biig trouble now?'
"how do you make tea ?"
'what ?? tea ?? and you ?'
"not me, neha likes it"
'who's neha now ?'
"a colleague, new girl in the office ;)"
'what's she doing at your place then??'
"actually i am at her place... she called for company since she is unwell"
"now will you please tell me how to make tea?"

'y dnt u ask her ?? this neha !! :P'

(Princess as a habit, would never answer the required question before she is done with her interrogation)

"what ?? how can i say i don't know to make a good tea ??"
'ha!! Mr. know-it-all !! neway will tell ya the steps... follow the instructions carefully'
'no use-my-mind thing...'

(And 10 min laters, dude was serving steaming hot tea to Neha)

Later in the night(in dude's part of the world)

'So how was the tea-party'
"don't call it that.. it sounds like a kitty party or something"
'Grrr... neway how did the tea turn out to be ?
"Oh! neha loved it ...she was all praise for it just 'cause of the aroma before she even took a sip"
Lucky for you that it was her kitchern not yours !! And thanks for not varying the instructions ...'
"Ok, so what would you love to read tomorrow ?"
'Calvin of course !'
"Great !! I knew that any way .. Neha asked what i would like in return for the tea and company and"
'and you asked her to search a calvin comic strip and send to you!!'
"Your are a genius princess ;)"
'and you are a lazy jerk'

(Of course dude had told neha to send him the comic .. but he did not forward that. He searched another one himself and sent the following to the princess)

12 Feb 2010

Dude and Princess : Who are they ?

Dude a.k.a Rahul

A 20 something S/w Engineer working in Bangalore, Silicon Valley of India. He is not as cool as people think him to be though he does manage to pull off things and comes across as “Mr. Impossible Is Nothing”!! Unlike every other 20 something S/w Engineer he hasn’t started hating his job yet but he constantly thinks of doing something different and this “thinking of doing different” has many a times landed him in various situations which range from very good to very bad, generally good for the other person and bad for him. An ardent bike lover, fashion enthusiast, avid reader, day dreamer, loves cinemas and cricket; he once had dreams of becoming next Sachin Tendulkar of India. A total prude when it comes to girls and relationship, very orthodox. In short a typical GUY who doesn’t want to grow up, but thinks he has!

Princess a.k.a Ishita

A 20 something S/w Engineer working in Phoenix Arizona, United States for an Indian IT major. She is sweet, innocent, loving as all pretty gals are minus all the tantrums. Ok... she does throw tantrums. [More on this later] A hard-working and career focussed girl who wants to achieve something big in life. At the same time, she is not really satisfied with her job; there is this constant lingering feeling of not following her heart and being stuck up in this Corporate World. But then there are so many things which she wants to do but doesn't know where to start from. In spite of this confusing battle with-in, she is a vivacious person who is loved by all the friends and colleagues. A typical girl who dreams of his Prince Charming and doesn’t believe in non-serious relationships, has a large fan following and is equally loved by both guys and girls for her forthright and straight forward nature. In short a typical traditional Indian Girl yet with modern outlook. Contemporary, probably defines her!

It’s been over 4 years since Dude and Princess know each other and there is hardly anything on which they agree except the fact thay they can rarely agree. Still they tolerate each other [in their words] , they consult each other before doing anything and respect each other’s opinion .

Today is Valentine Day, and our Dude is planning for an evening with one of his many female friends, even though he doesn’t love any of them, but he just likes to be around them and doesn’t want to be left alone when the whole world will celebrate this day of love and relationship. While, Princess is planning to buy cards & gifts for herself and celebrate this day alone in U.S, far away from India with no friends and family around.

By the way, if you are wondering who am I? I am childhood friend of Dude and a not so old friend of Princess. And, I didn’t introduce them. I didn’t even knew about it for quite long, then how did they meet? Well it’s a long story; stick around you will get to know through them.

Till next time,

Take Care Friends
And keep loving life , not just living it !!

Happy Valentine’s Day!!

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