Dude and Princess : Who are they ?
Dude a.k.a Rahul
A 20 something S/w Engineer working in Bangalore, Silicon Valley of India. He is not as cool as people think him to be though he does manage to pull off things and comes across as “Mr. Impossible Is Nothing”!! Unlike every other 20 something S/w Engineer he hasn’t started hating his job yet but he constantly thinks of doing something different and this “thinking of doing different” has many a times landed him in various situations which range from very good to very bad, generally good for the other person and bad for him. An ardent bike lover, fashion enthusiast, avid reader, day dreamer, loves cinemas and cricket; he once had dreams of becoming next Sachin Tendulkar of India. A total prude when it comes to girls and relationship, very orthodox. In short a typical GUY who doesn’t want to grow up, but thinks he has!
Princess a.k.a Ishita
A 20 something S/w Engineer working in Phoenix Arizona, United States for an Indian IT major. She is sweet, innocent, loving as all pretty gals are minus all the tantrums. Ok... she does throw tantrums. [More on this later] A hard-working and career focussed girl who wants to achieve something big in life. At the same time, she is not really satisfied with her job; there is this constant lingering feeling of not following her heart and being stuck up in this Corporate World. But then there are so many things which she wants to do but doesn't know where to start from. In spite of this confusing battle with-in, she is a vivacious person who is loved by all the friends and colleagues. A typical girl who dreams of his Prince Charming and doesn’t believe in non-serious relationships, has a large fan following and is equally loved by both guys and girls for her forthright and straight forward nature. In short a typical traditional Indian Girl yet with modern outlook. Contemporary, probably defines her!
It’s been over 4 years since Dude and Princess know each other and there is hardly anything on which they agree except the fact thay they can rarely agree. Still they tolerate each other [in their words] , they consult each other before doing anything and respect each other’s opinion .
Today is Valentine Day, and our Dude is planning for an evening with one of his many female friends, even though he doesn’t love any of them, but he just likes to be around them and doesn’t want to be left alone when the whole world will celebrate this day of love and relationship. While, Princess is planning to buy cards & gifts for herself and celebrate this day alone in U.S, far away from India with no friends and family around.
By the way, if you are wondering who am I? I am childhood friend of Dude and a not so old friend of Princess. And, I didn’t introduce them. I didn’t even knew about it for quite long, then how did they meet? Well it’s a long story; stick around you will get to know through them.
Till next time,
Take Care Friends
And keep loving life , not just living it !!
Happy Valentine’s Day!!
Fascinating reading. I am waiting for more of the story.
Awesome maahn waiting for the next part
make it soon if possible
sounds a bit like "jane tu ya jane na "
but this one seems to be hard real
Glad you liked it! We are working on the next post, it will be as soon as we finalize it.
Thanks! We are trying to make it ASAP. Keep Checking.
Yup sir waiting :)
and if u get time check this one out
this is where i experiment with stories
on a similar not that i why i m specially attracted to this blog
@soulblogger : the latest post is up sir !! do let us know your feedback :)
Thanks for following this journey Anuppie ... Do read and comment on the latest post :)
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